Grupo Portfolio Dairy


It is located in the municipality of Pontão / RS, has a diversified branch of organic, colonial and dairy products, with its own factory of mozzarella and colonial cheese, carrying out wholesale and retail sales and institutional sales.


The Cooperativa de Comercialização do Extremo Oeste (COOPEROESTE) was founded in July 1996, in the city of São Miguel do Oeste, in Santa Catarina State. Seeking a truly sustainable production perspective. Today, with 25 years of history, it operates in…


With a total of 1224 associates, the Regional Cooperative of Settled Families in the West Frontier (COOPERFORTE) was instituted in October 2002, in the city of Santana do Livramento, at the west border in Rio Grande do Sul state. Its…


The Cooperative of Dairies from the South-Rio Grande do Sul (CONSULATI) was created on September 1973, from a merging of the “Pelotense” Regional Cooperative (COOLAPEL) and Rio Grande do Sul Southwest Cooperative (COLACTI). Its mission is to unite the peasants…


The Cooperative of Commercialization and Service Provision of the Settled Farmes in the South Region (COOPERSUL) has as its main activity the dairy production. Created on August 1998 in the city of Piratini, it is the result of a collective…


The Vista Alegre Farming Cooperative (COOPAVA), located in Piratini city, Rio Grande do Sul state, is a Communal Farming Production (CPA) where all the production and capital are socialized and managed by all the 15 families associated. The group has…

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