Cooperativa Agroecologica Nacional Terra e Vida LTDA

The BioNatur Agroecological Seeds Network is a cooperative of male and female farmers settled by the Agrarian Reform, seed producers of various species of vegetables, ornamental plants, forages and grains, in agroecological production systems. The option for Agroecology made BioNatur a pioneering experience in Brazil and Latin America. This experience started by 12 families settled in the cities of Candiota and Hulha Negra, in the State of Rio Grande do Sul, today involves more than 350 families, in the states of Rio Grande do Sul and Minas Gerais. Our main objective is to produce and commercialize agroecological seeds that can be cultivated, multiplied, conserved and improved by the peasants who acquire them, expressing their productive potential and their capacity to adapt to different regions of Brazil.
Founded: 1997
State: Rio Grande do Sul
Cooperativa dos Camponeses Sul Mineiros

In 2012, believing in a collective way of organizing production, the families in the agrarian reform settlement in the south of Minas Gerais created a cooperative called “Cooperative of the southern peasants in Minas Gerais” (Camponesa). The cooperative’s main objective is to provide better living conditions and put social inclusion into practice for the associated farmers through the coffee production, that is its main activity. It is located in a region that is responsible for more than 50% of all coffee produced in Brazil. The coffee beam has the conditions to reach a better grading because of the favorable weather, with the average temperature during the year between 22°C and 24°C, as well as the altitude, where the elevation is between 850m and 1,250m. Currently there are 150 families associated to the “Camponesa” cooperative that work with the cultivation of the Guaií Coffee, which is produced in both conventional and organic farming. The total area of 550 hectares is divided in 3 settlements and 10 encampments. The coffee is 100% arabic (“coffea arabica”) and can be acquired in 60 kg sacks of green bean and packs of 250g and 500g of roasted or ground and roasted beans. In the future, the cooperative intends to transform all its production to organic coffee bean.
Founded: 2012
State: Espírito Santo
Cooperativa de Comercialização e Reforma Agrária LTDA

The Cooperative of Commercialization and Agrarian Reform Avante(COANA) has as its main objective to attend the associates to ensure a sustainable way for the perpetuation of its own values, which are: profitability, quality, accountability, ethic and transparency. Established on December 1995 in the city of Querência do Norte, in the northwest of Paraná State, its strategy consists in developing industrialization and commercialization of the products from settlements in the region. Currently, the cooperative has 291 associates, all of them are settled farmers. Its main production is the type 1 agulhinha rice, type 1 parboiled rice, whole milk and vegetables, both conventional and organic. In a year, the total amount of production is 20 tons of rice, 60 tons of vegetables and 900.000 liters of milk. The products are commercialized in the country, as well as distributed to the school feeding programme (PNAE)
Founded: 1995
State: Paraná
Cooperativa Agroindustrial Ceres

The Ceres Agro Industrial Cooperative (COOPACERES) was founded by 22 associates on November 2006, in the city of Ponta Porã, in MatoGrosso do Sul state. Its objective is to ensure that the associates access non-transgenic and good quality seeds. Today, with 225 families at Nova Era and Itamarati settlements, where the head office was established, the cooperative produces black bean as its main product in both agrarian reform settlements. One of COOPACERES principles is to guarantee that the small peasants have their autonomy on the production of the seeds. Thus, through the collective effort, with two crops per year, the cooperative produces 500 tons of seeds and 280 tons of black beans, in an area of 400 hectares. Beside the self-supporting production for the associates, the production is exported to Venezuela.
Founded: 2006
State: Mato Grosso do Sul
Cooperativa de Produção Agropecuária de Nova Santa Rita Ltda

COOPAN – Cooperativa de Produção Agropecuária de Nova Santa Rita Ltda. located in the Capela Settlement in Nova Santa Rita, in Rio Grande do Sul, it had its construction from the time of the camps (from 1989 to 1994) until its foundation from the settlement in 1994. The cooperative is formed by a group of 29 founding families that together form a collective of 80 internal workers and 115 raw material producers. They are people who believe in the collective form of economic and social organization for the production and commercialization of healthier foods. At COOPAN, in addition to the production and industrialization of certified organic rice, it has swine breeding, slaughterhouse and meat sausage agroindustry, as also milk, honey and bakery production. Serving in direct sales, market places, conventional, institutional (PAA and PNAE) and export markets.
Founded: 1995
State: Rio Grande do Sul
Cooperativa de Produção Agropecuária Assentados Tapes Ltda

Located in the Hugo Chávez Settlement/Lagoa do Junco, Tapes-RS, and founded in 1998, COOPAT's mission is to provide quality food for school meals, social programs and local markets. For Coopat, the dimension of cooperation goes beyond the social relations of production, it proposes to develop a sustainable agriculture project based on agroecology, intercooperation and direct relationship with consumers. In this sense, it offers the following organic foods: white agulhinha rice, agulhinha whole rice, multigrain rice, black rice, white cateto rice, whole white rice, white and whole rice flour, corn flour, breakfast cereal made with rice flour and gluten-free, eggs and vegetables (in the process of organic certification). It also offers a variety of baked goods: wholemeal, sweet dough, sandwich, hot dog, cakes and biscuits in corn and soy flavors, milk, coconut and chocolate.
Founded: 1998
State: Rio Grande do Sul
Cooperativa de Produção Agropecuária Vista Alegre Piratini

The Vista Alegre Farming Cooperative (COOPAVA), located in Piratini city, Rio Grande do Sul state, is a Communal Farming Production (CPA) where all the production and capital are socialized and managed by all the 15 families associated. The group has 25 years of existence in an area with climate benefits for dairy production, that is its main production. The cooperative has an agroindustry that processes 8.000 liters of fresh milk per day. It supplies the region and local market, as well as the feeding school programme. The industrial area is expanding to increase its production capacity and implement other types of products, like cheese and milk beverages. COOPAVA has a large experience in pasture farming, based in Voisin Grazing Management and taking good care of the cattle with herbs and homeopathy treatment. The group has important work with the youth and women. They are responsible for the local organic fairs and the local bakery.
Founded: 1995
State: Rio Grande do Sul
Cooperativa de Produção Agropecuária Vitória

Founded in 1993, it has become a space for the active participation of young people and women who are very active in the cooperative. Its production is agroecological. The line of sugarcane derivatives is certified for export to the European Union. It also produces yogurt, cheese and type C milk. Regarding cane derivatives, it produces cachaça in 4 flavors, in addition to brown sugar and molasses. It has fruit and vegetable production, marketed mainly in school meals. It owns the Copavi and Camponeses brands.
Founded: 1993
State: Paraná
(44) 9129-1804

The Cooperativa dos Assentados of the Contestado region was founded in 1997 with the aim of organizing the production and commercialization of production. The cooperative has 231 members. It has a mix of products, black beans, carioca beans, milk, grape juice, apple juice, corn flour, beef and vegetables
Founded: 1997
State: Santa Catarina
(49) 3565-0046
Cooperativa Regional de Famílias Assentadas da Fronteira Oeste

With a total of 1224 associates, the Regional Cooperative of Settled Families in the West Frontier (COOPERFORTE) was instituted in October 2002, in the city of Santana do Livramento, at the west border in Rio Grande do Sul state. Its main goal is to develop the dairy region. Today, its activities also include farming (vegetables, fruits) that covers the cities of Arroio Grande, Pedro Osório, Rosário do Sul, São Gabriel, Santa Margarida and Herval. The families linked to the cooperative are small peasants and settled farmers from the agrarian reform. They produce approximately 800.000 liters of fresh milk every month. The production is delivered by a partnership with the Cooperative of Dairies from the South-Rio Grande do Sul (CONSULATI), owner of the brand Danby. The cooperative central idea is to build a better life quality to the associated families through the products commercialization. Nowadays, the collective work and organization are the foundation to the cooperative, generating better incomes to the families.
Founded: 2002
State: Rio Grande do Sul
Cooperativa Agropecuária e Laticinios Pontão Ltda

It is located in the municipality of Pontão / RS, has a diversified branch of organic, colonial and dairy products, with its own factory of mozzarella and colonial cheese, carrying out wholesale and retail sales and institutional sales.
Founded: 2007
State: Rio Grande do Sul
(54) 99951-9768
Cooperativa de Comercialização do Extremo Oeste

The Cooperativa de Comercialização do Extremo Oeste (COOPEROESTE) was founded in July 1996, in the city of São Miguel do Oeste, in Santa Catarina State. Seeking a truly sustainable production perspective. Today, with 25 years of history, it operates in the dairy sector, from collection to industrialization and marketing, feed and minerals and agricultural stores. More than 2000 families are involved in the production, industrialization and sale of more than 50 own products distributed under the brands Terra Viva, Amanhecer and Oeste Nutrição.
Founded: 1996
State: Paraná

The Cooperative of Commercialization and Service Provision of the Settled Farmes in the South Region (COOPERSUL) has as its main activity the dairy production. Created on August 1998 in the city of Piratini, it is the result of a collective construction among the families that lived in the agrarian reform settlements. Nowadays, the cooperative has 260 associates that are spread in four cities: Piratini, Pinheiro Machado, Herval and Capão do Leão. The families are responsible for more than 640.000 liters of fresh milk per year. All the production is destined to be processed at COSULATI, in Capão do Leão. Its main objective is to develop agroecology, diversified production and commercialization. The associates are producing food from animal and vegetable origins, but with the dairy production as its main priority.
Founded: 1992
State: Rio Grande do Sul
Cooperativa de Produção Agropecuária Cascata

Cooptar (Cooperativa de Produção Agropecuária Cascata Ltda) was founded in 1990 by a group of rural workers who together with the MST built the struggle for agrarian reform for the right to access land, and guarantee of income and dignity through food production. The activities are divided into different sectors that guarantee the organization of work in the areas of: Slaughtering and industrialization of meats and sausages, production of grains, fodder, raising beef and dairy cattle, in addition to fruits and vegetables for consumption by and for sale in local markets, and via the Food Acquisition Program (PAA) and the National School Feeding Program (PNAE).
Founded: 1990
State: Rio Grande do Sul
(54) 3503-0195
Cooperativa de Produção Comercialização e Beneficiamento dos Assentados

The Coopterra, founded in 2012 from a cooperative group of settlers who have been active since 2008, is currently a reference for the MST in the northern region of ES in the production of coffee and black pepper. Based in São Mateus – ES, the cooperative helps to benefit and market the coffee and black pepper production of 137 farming families in the northern region of ES. Coopterra also has the Terra de Sabores product line, which includes extra strong, traditional and superior coffees in its catalogue, as well as white and black peppers in different types and sizes of packaging. This cooperative is the result of the collective efforts of the settlers of the MST-ES agrarian reform, who find in its brand and its services the recognition of their work.
Founded: 2012
State: Espírito Santo
Cooperativa de Produtores de Alimentos Orgânicos em Economia Solidária LTDA

Founded in September 2001 in Sananduva-RS, COOPVIDA - Cooperative of Organic Food Producers in Solidarity Economy Ltd. Headquartered in the Municipality of Sananduva and initial coverage in the Northern Region of RS. Its history is based on the dynamics of industrializing, fractionating and commercializing agroecological products. It emerged with a group of farmers from this region and started with the fair in the municipality of Sananduva. The need to expand or seek new marketing channels was perceived. Thus, the creation of Coopvida came with the purpose of boosting marketing, enabling farmers to expand their production and, automatically, the family income.
State: Rio Grande do Sul
(54) 3343-1111
Cooperativa dos Trabalhadores Assentados da Região de Porto Alegre LTDA

Created by 218 settled farmers in November 1995, the Cooperativa de Trabalhadores Settled de Porto Alegre (COOTAP) has the mission of valuing the work and production of its members so that they can have the best living conditions in the region. A cooperative that works with agro-industrialization and commercialization of food, mainly organic. COOTAP brings together, as cooperatives of common agricultural production, associations and other initiatives in the areas of Agrarian Reform to facilitate and stimulate cooperation between the settlers and the settlement. Today, the cooperative has 1,469 member families that produce about 300,000 bags of toxin-free rice a year. Its main activity is the commercialization of organic rice, agulhinha and collared peccaries. All products are certified by IMO-Control do Brasil.
Founded: 2002
State: Rio Grande do Sul
Cooperativa Sul-Rio-Grandense de Laticínios Ltda

The Cooperative of Dairies from the South-Rio Grande do Sul (CONSULATI) was created on September 1973, from a merging of the “Pelotense” Regional Cooperative (COOLAPEL) and Rio Grande do Sul Southwest Cooperative (COLACTI). Its mission is to unite the peasants of the region to develop cooperation and strengthen the dairy chain in the state. The organization has 3.200 associates that are located in 38 cities and 14 cooperatives that are partners. It involves 20 thousand people, directly or indirectly, that practice the cooperative values and principles. With an average production of 200 million liters of milk per year, the group produces powdered milk, skimmed milk, powdered milk with vitamins, UHT whole milk, dairy compound, butter, dairy cream and milky flour, it also produces soy beverage. The modern installations of COSULATI are located in Capão do Leão county, in the south of the state. The industry has the capacity to process 1.000.000 liters of milk per day.
Founded: 1973
State: Rio Grande do Sul
(53) 3284 5200
Monte Vêneto

The Monte Vêneto Juices Cooperative, established on April 2007, represents a sum of efforts of the viticulture farmers in the region of Citiporã, in Rio grande do Sul state, where its main activity is the cultivation of grapes. The cooperative has the commitment to search for sustainable alternatives to expand the production and to strengthen the region. It has an area dedicated only for the production of whole juices. For this, Monte Vêneto has one of the most modern processing units, with a capacity of approximately 5.000.000 liters of grape juice per crop. Currently, more than 100 small viticulture farmers deliver their production to the cooperative. From the 2013 year’s grape harvest, Monte Vêneto started the production of organic juices, originated from an Organic Project of its own technical assistance, collaborators and the participation of the 20 associates in the non-agrotoxic cultivation. The Monte Vêneto Juices are considered the best from Rio Grande do Sul Sierra. The manual harvest guarantees that the grapes are selected with high standards and the best quality, producing a juice 100% whole and natural, non fermented, gluten free and no additional water, sugar or preservatives. The product can be found in 300 ml, 500 ml, 1 liter 1.5 liters packaging. In grape, apple and mixed flavors.
Founded: 2007
State: Rio Grande do Sul
(54) 3446-3065