A source of nutritional energy with proteins, fiber, iron, antioxidants and vitamins, Terra Viva beans have a soft, tasty and easy-to-cook texture. Essential for a balanced diet. The Terra Viva brand was created to unify the production of families settled in the agrarian reform in Santa Catarina. The brand uses green as standard colors to symbolize respect for nature, blue to represent the connection with water, and red to signify the struggle of settled families to assert their rights and needs, especially in relation to land.
A source of nutritional energy with proteins, fiber, iron, antioxidants and vitamins, Terra Viva beans have a soft, tasty and easy-to-cook texture. Essential for a balanced diet. The Terra Viva brand was created to unify the production of families settled in the agrarian reform in Santa Catarina. The brand uses green as standard colors to symbolize respect for nature, blue to represent the connection with water, and red to signify the struggle of settled families to assert their rights and needs, especially in relation to land.
Productive Cooperatives
Santa Catarina
(49) 3565-0046
Mato Grosso do Sul
Café Guaií is 100% Arabica and is produced by the Cooperative Camponesa, which involves more than 500 family farmers organized in the production of quality food in settlements and camps in the south of Minas, a region that is a reference in specialty coffees. Its coffee plantations are cultivated in balance with the environment and in the search for a dignified life for everyone who works on the land and who fights for it. Guaií products are products based on AGROECOLOGICAL and SUSTAINABLE to offer this tasty and sustainable coffee.
Product of the Popular Agrarian Reform, Café Terra de Sabores comes from the Espírito Santo Settlements, produced and benefited by the Cooperative for the Benefiting, Marketing and Provision of Services of Settled Farmers (COOPTERRA) in the Vale da Vitória Settlement, feeding around 450 families. Both Traditional and Superior are Arabica and Conilon blend coffees.
Product of the Popular Agrarian Reform, Café Terra de Sabores comes from the Espírito Santo Settlements, produced and benefited by the Cooperative for the Benefiting, Marketing and Provision of Services of Settled Farmers (COOPTERRA) in the Vale da Vitória Settlement, feeding around 450 families. Both Traditional and Superior are Arabica and Conilon blend coffees.
Café Guaií is 100% Arabica and is produced by the Cooperative Camponesa, which involves more than 500 family farmers organized in the production of quality food in settlements and camps in the south of Minas, a region that is a reference in specialty coffees. Its coffee plantations are cultivated in balance with the environment and in the search for a dignified life for everyone who works on the land and who fights for it. Guaií products are products based on AGROECOLOGICAL and SUSTAINABLE to offer this tasty and sustainable coffee.
Productive Cooperatives
Espírito Santo
Espírito Santo
The delicious taste of milk with all the quality you deserve! The Long Life Milk is heated to 139º C for 4 seconds by the UHT process (Ultra High Temperature) and aseptically filled.
The delicious taste of milk with all the quality you deserve! The Long Life Milk is heated to 139º C for 4 seconds by the UHT process (Ultra High Temperature) and aseptically filled.
The delicious taste of milk with all the quality you deserve! The Long Life Milk is heated to 139º C for 4 seconds by the UHT process (Ultra High Temperature) and aseptically filled.
The delicious taste of milk with all the quality you deserve! The Long Life Milk is heated to 139º C for 4 seconds by the UHT process (Ultra High Temperature) and aseptically filled.
All Terra Livre products are Agroecological, as well as being Organic, they are the result of the struggle for Land and Agrarian Reform, produced without monocultures, defending the self-sufficiency of Family Farming and the right to healthy food. Terra Livre Milk Powder is not recommended for children under 1 year, unless expressly indicated by a doctor or nutritionist. Contains Lactose and does not contain gluten.
All the chocolate flavor just right for snack time! Produced and marketed by families in agrarian reform settlements in Santa Catarina. Only those who cultivate all the products with care and dedication can bring so much flavor and quality to the Brazilian consumer's table. Terra Viva, the delights of our land on your table!
Cream of Milk is produced, industrialized and sold by families settled in Santa Catarina. Terra Viva was created to unify and represent all cooperatives, associations and working families of the Agrarian Reform of SC.
Unmistakable taste that pleases the whole family! Produced, industrialized and marketed by settled families in Santa Catarina. Terra Viva was created to unify and represent all cooperatives, associations and working families of the Agrarian Reform of SC. The brand uses green as standard colors to symbolize respect for nature, blue to represent the connection with water, and red to signify the struggle of settled families to assert their rights and needs, especially in relation to land.
Productive Cooperatives
Rio Grande do Sul
(54) 99951-9768
Rio Grande do Sul
Rio Grande do Sul
Rio Grande do Sul
Terra Livre is the brand of the Cooperativa dos Trabalhadores Settled da Região de Porto Alegre (COOTAP), and is currently the largest producer of Organic Rice in Latin America. All its products are Agroecological, because in addition to being Organic, they are the result of the struggle for Land and Agrarian Reform, produced without monocultures, defending the self-sufficiency of Family Agriculture and the right to healthy food.
Terra Livre Grape Jelly is made from organic grapes, organic sugar and pectin. Gluten-free.
Terra Livre Cranberry Jelly is made from blackberry and organic sugars. Gluten-free.
Productive Cooperatives
Rio Grande do Sul
Monte Veneto juices are bottled at temperatures above 80°C. This filling temperature, associated with all the quality controls maintained since the grapes arrive at the company, allows us to avoid the use of any type of preservative or chemical additive, thus supporting our goal of continuing to produce 100% PURE JUICE.
Monte Vêneto Apple Juice with Grape is a wholesome, natural and healthy product. Made with high quality apples and grapes from the Serra Gaúcha, the flavors of the two fruits complement each other acquiring a very pleasant balance of sweetness x acidity. The quality of the raw material, combined with a particular technology, ensure the permanence of all the properties of the fruits, guaranteeing their full flavor. Contains no water, sugar and preservatives.
Monte Vêneto Tangerine, Apple and Mango Juice is a wholesome, natural and healthy product. The quality of the raw material, combined with a particular technology, ensure the permanence of all the properties of the fruits, guaranteeing their full flavor. Does not contain water, sugar and preservatives
Monte Veneto juices are bottled at temperatures above 80°C. This filling temperature, associated with all the quality controls maintained since the grapes arrive at the company, allows us to avoid the use of any type of preservative or chemical additive, thus supporting our goal of continuing to produce 100% PURE JUICE.
Terra Livre orange juice is produced from 100% organic, healthy fruits, grown by peasant families who defend and practice the principle of sustainable production based on the agroecological matrix. The agro-industry where the juice is produced is managed and operated by young people and women from the Agrarian Reform, generating income and work in the countryside, encouraging social inclusion and cooperation.
Monte Veneto juices are bottled at temperatures above 80°C. This filling temperature, associated with all the quality controls maintained since the grapes arrive at the company, allows us to avoid the use of any type of preservative or chemical additive, thus supporting our goal of continuing to produce 100% PURE JUICE.
Monte Veneto juices are bottled at temperatures above 80°C. This filling temperature, associated with all the quality controls maintained since the grapes arrive at the company, allows us to avoid the use of any type of preservative or chemical additive, thus supporting our goal of continuing to produce 100% PURE JUICE.
Productive Cooperatives
Monte Vêneto
Rio Grande do Sul
(54) 3446-3065
All products are Agroecological, in addition to Organic, they are the result of the struggle for Land and Agrarian Reform, produced without monocultures, in defense of the self-sufficiency of Family Farming and the right to healthy food. CRYSTALIZATION OF HONEY: The crystallization of honey is really a good sign as it indicates its quality and purity. It occurs through the separation of fructose and glucose, forming crystals and can take different times depending not only on the flowering from which the honey is derived, but also on the ambient temperature. If your honey crystallizes, just place it in a bain-marie at a maximum temperature of 50°C for it to dissolve
Product resulting from the desiccation, under specific conditions, of the mixture of milk with cereal flour (rice), whose starch has been made soluble by extrusion. The ingredients that make up are: Organic rice flour, whole milk powder, anti-humectant sugar, tricalcium phosphate (341iii), salt and flavoring identical to natural. GLUTEN-FREE
Terra Livre is the brand of the Cooperativa dos Trabalhadores Settled da Região de Porto Alegre (COOTAP), and is currently the largest producer of Organic Rice in Latin America. All its products are Agroecological, because in addition to being Organic, they are the result of the struggle for Land and Agrarian Reform, produced without monocultures, defending the self-sufficiency of Family Agriculture and the right to healthy food.
Terra Livre Tomato Extract is made from organic tomatoes, vegetable oil and salt. Does not have gluten.
Productive Cooperatives
Nothing found.
The product of the agrarian reform Terra de Sabores Black Pepper in Grains, is processed in direct fire dryers and stored in glass grinders, ensuring a high quality pepper and striking flavor coming directly from the producer settled in your kitchen.
Productive Cooperatives
Espírito Santo
Terra Livre rice is a pure and healthy food. Produced with agricultural techniques that guarantee the conservation of the environment, preserve biodiversity, without the use of pesticides and chemical fertilizers, providing better health and a better quality of life.
Terra Livre rice is a pure and healthy food. Produced with agricultural techniques that guarantee the conservation of the environment, preserve biodiversity, without the use of pesticides and chemical fertilizers, providing better health and a better quality of life.
Terra Livre rice is a pure and healthy food. Produced with agricultural techniques that guarantee the conservation of the environment, preserve biodiversity, without the use of pesticides and chemical fertilizers, providing more health and a better quality of life.
Arroz Terra Livre is a food produced since 1999, by a real free land. Free from pesticides, from injustice, from prejudice. The Terra Livre brand brings to your table the wisdom, love and energy that farmers put into the cultivation of our Earth.
Productive Cooperatives
Rio Grande do Sul
Rio Grande do Sul
Rio Grande do Sul
BioNatur seeds are produced in accordance with the Norms for Seed Production and the Organic Law and quality control is carried out through participatory methodologies and official inspection bodies. The seeds can be found in packages
specials for home gardens and small producers in sachets and envelopes with 1g to 3g of seeds or for larger scale producers, in cans of 100g, 200g, 250g. All production has the seal of Organic Certification. This means that no pesticides or chemical fertilizers are used in any of the stages of the production process, from the field to storage and marketing
BioNatur seeds are produced in accordance with the Norms for Seed Production and the Organic Law and quality control is carried out through participatory methodologies and official inspection bodies.
The seeds can be found in packages
specials for home gardens and small producers in sachets and envelopes with 1g to 3g of seeds or for larger scale producers, in cans of 100g, 200g, 250g. All production has the seal of Organic Certification. This means that no pesticides or chemical fertilizers are used in any of the stages of the production process, from the field to storage and marketing.
Productive Cooperatives
Rio Grande do Sul
Produced at the Santa Maria Settlement, in the municipality of Paranacity, Paraná, with agroecological techniques that preserve and restore the environment. Agroecology is a production system that combines respect for nature and human beings. MASCAVO COPAVI SUGAR is synonymous with health for you and more life expectancy for humanity.
Productive Cooperatives
(44) 9129-1804